Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Before contacting us you might want to look through the questions and answers in this section.
Please click on the questions in order to read the answers.

How do I sign up here?
Click on the "Sign Up" button. Then follow the instructions that would be displayed.

Can I create multiple accounts?
You can register as many personal accounts as you want.

What payment methods do you accept?
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Epaycore, Tether TRC20 USDT.

How do I start investing in BestBitDeposit.Com?
You are only a few steps away from making your earnings. The steps are always the same for everyone: Sign up and register an account, log into your account using the username and password you created when you registered. Then go to "Make a deposit", choose an investment plan you like, click "Select", and then click "Make a deposit". Enter the amount and choose the payment method you intend to use for this investment. Then follow the system's prompts. Check the "How To Start" section to learn more about how to start investing.

I made a deposit, but it is not reflecting in my account. What should I do?
In cryptocurrency transactions, after sending funds, it takes some time for the transaction to gain the required number of confirmations in the Blockchain network. Immediately after the transaction collects from 6 to 19 confirmations, your deposit will be credited to your account automatically.

Is there any way to speed up the confirmation of a transaction in Blockchain?
The speed of blockchain confirmation for a particular cryptocurrency is beyond our influence.

What is the minimum amount I can withdraw?
It depends on the payment method you use. Bitcoin: $50 Litecoin: $25 Ethereum: $25 Epaycore: $2 Tether TRC20: $5

How long will it take BestBitDeposit to process my payout request?
From 1 Second to 72 hours.

In what currency will my earnings be credited?
Your earnings will be credited in the currency you used to invest. Please note that when using cryptocurrency funds, your investment will be converted into USD at the weighted average online rate at the time the deposit was created and activated. Moreover, your earnings will be paid into your Funds Broker account in USD. And when you make a payout request that the funds are converted into the cryptocurrency that you used for investing, at a rate existing at the time the payout request was created.

Do I have to make a deposit before I could participate in your affiliate program?
No, you don’t have to! You can earn full affiliate rewards and bonus without any restrictions, and you do NOT have to make a deposit yourself.

How do I become a Representative?
Any registered user can become a Funds Broker Representative. All you have to do is fill out the application form on our website.

Can I change my Upline?
If you registered your account through a referral link, you can't change your referrer. However, you can always create another account by registering it under another referrer.


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